- 200 Number of islands
- 110 Balanced binary tree
- 124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
- 99 Recover Binary Search Tree
- 133 Clone Graph
- 114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
- 199 Binary Tree Right Side View
- 301 Remove Invalid Parentheses
- 337 House Robber III
- 339 Nested List Weight Sum
200 Number of islands
思路: 求多少个联通块,dfs,bfs,unionfind
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| public void dfs(int x,int y,boolean[][]vis,char[][]grid){ if(x<0||y<0||x>=grid.length||y>=grid[0].length||vis[x][y]||grid[x][y]=='0') return; vis[x][y]=true; dfs(x+1,y,vis,grid); dfs(x-1,y,vis,grid); dfs(x,y+1,vis,grid); dfs(x,y-1,vis,grid); } public int numIslands(char[][] grid) { if(grid.length==0||grid[0].length==0) return 0; int m = grid.length,n=grid[0].length; int cnt=0; boolean [][]vis=new boolean[m][n]; for(int i=0;i<m;++i){ for(int j=0;j<n;++j){ if(grid[i][j]=='1' && !vis[i][j]){ cnt++; dfs(i,j,vis,grid); } } } return cnt; }
110 Balanced binary tree
思路: 树平衡这种题一定要计算高度的。笨点的每个结点都要查左右子树高度。
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| public int getHeight(TreeNode root){ if(root==null) return 0; int l = getHeight(root.left); int r = getHeight(root.right); if(l==-1||r==-1||Math.abs(l-r)>1) return -1; return Math.max(l,r)+1; } public boolean isBalanced(TreeNode root) { return getHeight(root)!=-1; }
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
思路: 第一次做的时候一脸懵逼,其实仔细想想,我们需要借助一个dfs函数返回一个值供父节点使用,这个值因该是math.max(cur.val,cur.val+left,cur.val+right),不能有cur.val+left+right,这样就会cross,不能再向上拓展了。全局变量记录这四项的最大值。
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| public int dfs(TreeNode root,int []res){ if(root==null) return 0; int l=dfs(root.left,res); int r = dfs(root.right,res); int ans=Math.max(l+root.val,Math.max(r+root.val,root.val)); res[0]=Math.max(Math.max(ans,res[0]),l+r+root.val); return ans; } public int maxPathSum(TreeNode root) { int []res=new int[1]; res[0]=Integer.MIN_VALUE; dfs(root,res); return res[0]; }
99 Recover Binary Search Tree
思路: 中序遍历,然后会发现两次pre.val>root.val,你画画图试试,第一次的异常点事pre,第二个异常点事root。笨一点就可以先把值打印,然后就排序,赋值回去。
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| public TreeNode first=null; public TreeNode second=null; public TreeNode pre=null; public void inorder(TreeNode root){ if(root==null) return; inorder(root.left); if(pre!=null){ if(pre.val>root.val){ if(first==null) first=pre; second=root; } } pre=root; inorder(root.right); //pre=root; } public void recoverTree(TreeNode root){ inorder(root); if(first!=null && second!=null){ int tmp = first.val; first.val=second.val; second.val=tmp; } }
133 Clone Graph
思路: recursive 的方法太简单,简单说说bfs的way,遍历图,如果map里没有,就创建新的node,否则不创建,但是最后都要关联起来
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| public UndirectedGraphNode cloneGraph(UndirectedGraphNode node) { Map<UndirectedGraphNode,UndirectedGraphNode>map=new HashMap<>(); if(node==null) return null; Queue<UndirectedGraphNode>q=new LinkedList<>(); q.offer(node); map.put(node,new UndirectedGraphNode(node.label)); while(!q.isEmpty()){ UndirectedGraphNode top = q.poll(); for(UndirectedGraphNode ne:top.neighbors){ if(!map.containsKey(ne)){ map.put(ne,new UndirectedGraphNode(ne.label)); q.offer(ne); } map.get(top).neighbors.add(map.get(ne)); } } return map.get(node); } //recursive way Map<UndirectedGraphNode,UndirectedGraphNode>map=new HashMap<>(); public UndirectedGraphNode cloneGraph(UndirectedGraphNode node) { if(node==null) return null; if(!map.containsKey(node)){ map.put(node,new UndirectedGraphNode(node.label)); for(UndirectedGraphNode child:node.neighbors) map.get(node).neighbors.add(cloneGraph(child)); } return map.get(node); }
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
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| TreeNode pre=null; public void flatten(TreeNode root) { if(root==null) return; flatten(root.right); flatten(root.left); root.right=pre; root.left=null; pre=root; } public void flatten(TreeNode root) { if(root==null) return; TreeNode node = root; while(node!=null){ if(node.left!=null){ TreeNode cur = node.left; while(cur.right!=null) cur=cur.right; cur.right=node.right; node.right=node.left; node.left=null; } node=node.right; } }
199 Binary Tree Right Side View
思路: 和level order很像, bfs的方法我就懒得写
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| public void dfs(List<Integer>res,TreeNode root,int level){ if(root==null) return; if(level>=res.size()) res.add(root.val); dfs(res,root.right,level+1); dfs(res,root.left,level+1); } public List<Integer> rightSideView(TreeNode root) { List<Integer>res=new ArrayList<>(); dfs(res,root,0); return res; }
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses
思路: bfs,暴力枚举每个删除的位置。dfs也可,但是还没掌握,太精妙了
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| public boolean isValid(String s){ char []ss=s.toCharArray(); int cnt=0; for(char c:ss){ if(c=='(') cnt++; else if(c==')') cnt--; if(cnt<0) break; } return cnt==0; } public List<String> removeInvalidParentheses(String s) { List<String>res=new ArrayList<>(); if(isValid(s)){ res.add(s); return res; } Queue<String>q=new LinkedList<>(); q.offer(s); Map<String,Boolean>vis=new HashMap<>(); boolean next=true; vis.put(s,true); while(next && !q.isEmpty()){ int size=q.size(); while(size -- >0){ String top = q.poll(); int len =top.length(); for(int i=0;i<len;++i){ if(s.charAt(i)=='('||s.charAt(i)==')'){ String sub = top.substring(0,i)+top.substring(i+1); if(!vis.containsKey(sub)){ vis.put(sub,true); q.offer(sub); if(isValid(sub)){ next=false; res.add(sub); } } } } } } return res; }
337 House Robber III
思路: dfs 返回一个长度为2的数组,一个代表rob了当前node,一个代表没有
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| public int[]dfsRob(TreeNode root){ if(root==null) return new int[]{0,0}; int []res=new int[2]; //res[0] rob root; res[1] not rob root; int []l = dfsRob(root.left); int []r =dfsRob(root.right); res[0]=l[1]+r[1]+root.val; //好好想想,没选中当前node,不代表最大值一定是选左子节点,右子节点。 res[1]=Math.max(l[0],l[1])+Math.max(r[0],r[1]); return res; } public int rob(TreeNode root) { int []res=dfsRob(root); return Math.max(res[0],res[1]); }
339 Nested List Weight Sum
思路:普通的level by level 求和
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| public void dfs(List<NestedInteger>nestedList,int[]res,int level){ int n=nestedList.size(); for(int i=0;i<n;++i){ if(nestedList.get(i).isInteger()){ res[0]+=level*nestedList.get(i).getInteger(); }else{ dfs(nestedList.get(i).getList(),res,level+1); } } } public int depthSum(List<NestedInteger> nestedList) { int []res=new int[1]; dfs(nestedList,res,1); return res[0]; }